After a Kidney Transplant

肾移植后,你应该可以重返工作岗位,正常饮食. 你通常可以恢复正常的活动,尽管你需要采取一些额外的预防措施.

When to call after transplantation surgery

  • Weight gain of 2 pounds in one day or 4 pounds in one week
  • Fever (temperature over 100.6° F)
  • Pain or tenderness over the transplanted organ
  • Decreased urine output
  • Extremity edema (swelling)
  • 呼吸问题(当你平躺在床上时呼吸问题)
  • 切口区域(疼痛加重、发红、压痛、肿胀和/或引流)
  • Urinary symptoms (pain, burning, tenderness when you urinate; more frequent urination; cloudy or foul-smelling urine)
  • 恶心和呕吐持续超过24小时和/或你不能保持你的药丸或液体
  • Excessive pain not controlled with pain medication
  • Bleeding
  • Blood in your urine
  • 便秘或腹泻持续时间超过3天
  • Light-headedness, dizziness
  • Low blood pressure (systolic BP—top number—less than 100)
  • High blood pressure (systolic BP—top number—greater than 185)

For all other medical complaints and symptoms,请先致电您的初级保健医生,如果需要,他可以联系移植团队.

Precautions after transplantation surgery

  • Wash all fruits and vegetables 在吃之前,以减少感染的机会. 我们的团队营养师将帮助您建立健康的饮食习惯,帮助您控制体重, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and body fluid retention.
  • Do not drive for two weeks after you leave the hospital. 在再次开始开车之前,一定要和你的移植团队确认一下.
  • Avoid strenuous lifting for at least 6-8 weeks after your transplant. 建议做一些运动,比如散步、骑自行车和游泳. 在开始日常锻炼前咨询你的移植团队.
  • Sexual activity can be resumed after checking with your transplant team. Certain medications can interfere with sexual function. 接受过肾脏移植的女性通常会在两三个月内恢复正常的月经周期.
  • Avoid becoming pregnant for one year 为了避免母亲和婴儿的危险并发症而进行的肾脏移植手术. 妇女应在怀孕前与移植外科小组核实,以便调整药物以确保安全怀孕和分娩.
  • Quit smoking. Ask your transplant team or regular doctor if you need help quitting.
  • Ask your transplant team if 在服用药物的同时偶尔喝点酒精饮料是没有问题的.
  • Pets can be a hazard. Cats are fine, 只要接受者不换猫砂盆就行, which can be a source of toxoplasmosis. Fish are questionable, as aquarium water can spread unusual infections, especially through cuts and sores on a recipient's hands. 狗是允许的,只要它们定期接种疫苗和检查. The greatest risk comes from dogs drinking toilet water, and then coming into contact with the transplant recipient. 鸟类是不允许的,因为它们可以携带传染给人类的疾病. 如果任何宠物有生病的迹象,立即找你的兽医.
  • Health maintenance: Have yearly eye exams, GYN visits (for women), dental appointments, and any other tests your regular doctor feels you may need.
  • Medical alert: 所有移植接受者都应该佩戴医疗警报识别手镯. 你是否一直随身携带有关病史的文件.

At home

手术后,移植受者是移植团队的眼睛、耳朵和监测器. You will notice the first signs of any problem. 为了帮助我们尽早发现任何问题,请在家做以下操作:

Take your weight

每天早上排空膀胱后的同一时间称一下体重. If you gain more than three pounds, tell the transplant team.

Take your blood pressure

每天至少要监测一次血压,同时要称体重. Know your baseline (normal) blood pressure reading. If your blood pressure is out of your normal range, 你已经至少一个小时没吃降压药了, tell the transplant team. 如果读数很高,而你还没有服用药物, wait at least an hour to take another reading, so your medication has had time to work.

Take your temperature

任何时候你有寒战,潮热,疼痛,或感觉不舒服,测量你的体温. 体温升高可能是感染的第一个迹象, or of your body trying to reject your new kidney. 如果你的体温高于正常(98度),立即告诉你的移植团队.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

Check your pulse

By keeping track of your pulse, 你可以看看是否有任何药物以不寻常的方式影响你的心率.

Keep track of your intake and output

新移植患者术后约6周监测液体摄入和排出. You will receive logging paperwork to help you keep track. 如果您需要打印更多副本,请下载下面的PDF版本.


Your medications

移植后,总是需要药物来阻止身体排斥肾脏. These drugs are called immunosuppressants.

移植成功的关键是严格按照医嘱服药. Because the body can reject the kidney at any time, the medications must be taken every day, even if you feel fine.

Make sure you know

  • The name of your medications, and what they do
  • When you need to take your medications
  • How to prepare and take your medications
  • The main side effects of each medication
  • What to do if you forget to take a dose of medication
  • 何时订购药物,这样就不会有没有药物的时间流逝.
  • How to obtain medications and prescription renewals. Don't forget that most pharmacies are closed on holidays!

Clinic visits

当你离开医院时,你会收到一张预约卡,用于后续的门诊访问. 这通常是在你出院后的第三天. 请提前一个小时来,这样我们就可以做一些实验室测试来跟踪你的进展,发现任何潜在的问题.

Although the schedule of clinic visits can vary, 大多数患者在移植手术后的前两周每周有两次随访预约, and once a week for the next two weeks. In the second month after surgery, most patients have follow-up appointments every other week, and then once a month until the sixth month after surgery. 移植手术一年后,你会来就诊, and once a year afterward.

在这些访问中,您可以与移植团队的任何成员会面. The visits usually last about thirty minutes.

What is expected of you at the clinic visits

  • 带上你的药物清单和手术后手册(在你离开医院之前给你).
  • We'll ask about your current weight, blood pressure, and pulse, so make sure you have a scale and blood pressure cuff at home.
  • 重要的是要准时赴约,这样移植团队才能充分关注你可能遇到的任何问题

在门诊结束时,我们会告诉你何时返回诊所, and when to get lab tests. 因为有些化验结果要在你离开诊所后才能出来, 我们有时会在您拜访后打电话给您更改您的药物剂量.