Brain Imaging Lab

The Brain Imaging Lab is research-dedicated facility with a focus on brain imaging and cognitive studies in patient populations. We are located in the Department of Psychiatry at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in 黎巴嫩, New Hampshire.

Our mission is to conduct innovative research that advances scientific understanding of human brain function and dysfunction to improve clinical care of patients with neurological, psychiatric, and other medical disorders.

Faculty members and collaborators of the Brain Imaging Lab study a variety of patient populations including multiple sclerosis, brain cancer, breast cancer, 创伤后应激障碍, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, 艾滋病毒, aging-related disorders, schizophrenia, 上瘾, and others. We welcome inquiries from investigators wishing to develop new collaborative studies.

We also provide individualized training in brain imaging research and an annual series of brain imaging related seminars. The focus and organizing theme of the imaging seminar is functional imaging of the human brain, but many modules have broader applicability and insofar as it is possible, we adjust the curriculum according to the interests of participants. 

研究 capabilities and resources

Structural and Functional Brain Imaging

  • Functional MRI (fMRI) – task-based and resting-state acquisition and analysis
  • Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
  • Voxel-based morphometry (VBM)
  • Volumetry of brain regions, structures, and lesions

Participant assessments

  • Standardized cognitive assessments (memory, attention, executive abilities, etc.)
  • Self-report outcomes (cognition, mood, pain, fatigue, neuropsychiatric symptoms, etc.)
  • Test design and construction

Study design and management

  • Brain imaging and cognitive study designs
  • Data storage and management
  • Grant writing
  • IRB protocols


  • Fundamentals of fMRI (didactic series)
  • Individualized training with project datasets

联系 us

We welcome opportunities to facilitate clinical neuroscience research through collaboration, resource sharing, and training.

For more information, please contact:

Heather Wishart, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Address: One Medical Center Drive, 黎巴嫩, NH 03756
电子邮件: 希瑟 or
电话: 603-650-5824