Lebanon Obstetrics and Gynecology Team

Teresa M. Bauernschmidt, MSN, APRN

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我一直热衷于帮助女性. I like building a relationship with them. 女性是“家庭健康的看门人”. 保持女性健康有积极的影响。 Read more


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Jenna R. Binkhorst, DO

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我之所以成为一名妇产科医生,是因为我想让女性有一个安全的空间来分享她们的担忧. 作为一名医生,我的目标是满足病人的需求,帮助他们感到被关注和快乐…… Read more

Areas of focus

  • 包括复杂避孕在内的生殖生活计划
  • Gender affirming care
  • 微创手术,包括子宫切除术,肌瘤和囊肿的切除
  • Prenatal care and obstetrics
  • And 1 more areas of focus


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Julie A. Braga, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

当我在高中的时候,我有一个非常善良的家庭医生,他真的很听话. 我从那些约会中走出来,想着我可以以类似的方式帮助别人. Pregnancy and birth a… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Cervical cancer screening and colposcopy
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery
  • Prenatal care and obstetrics
  • And 1 more areas of focus


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Cecelia V. Brelsford, MSN, APRN

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我被医疗保健所吸引,因为我可以用我的头脑和我的心. 我喜欢倾听,回答问题,教育,并为我的病人集思广益. I enjoy the intellectual challenge o… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Obstetrics
  • Menopause


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Ella A. Damiano, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我的目标是根据每个病人的需要提供量身定制的护理, including LGBTQ care, prenatal care and benign gynecologic care. 我来这里是为了帮助我的病人实现他们的目标,无论是…… Read more

Areas of focus


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Emily A. Donelan, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我被产科和妇科所吸引,因为我想帮助女性度过她们在生活中经历的许多转变, 从青春期到生育再到更年期. Often, these t… Read more


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Rebecca H. Evans, MD, FACOG

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我成为了一名妇产科医生,因为我想为那些有敏感妇科问题的病人提供知识和支持. I have a passion for… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
  • Contraceptive counseling
  • Well woman care
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • And 3 more areas of focus


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Emily Evans MacLaury, MEd, MSN, APRN, CNM

Obstetrics & Gynecology

出生是一个非常个人化的过程,患者在自己的护理中应该有强烈的发言权. It's the reason I became a midwife. 我帮助我的病人完成产妇和分娩的旅程。 Read more

Areas of focus

  • 产前护理,产时护理和产后护理的助产模式
  • Contraceptive care
  • Reproductive care
  • Well woman care
  • And 1 more areas of focus


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Tina C. Foster, MD, MPH, MS

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我的目标是把我的医学知识和医疗保健专业人员的经验带到每一次遇到,以便与我的病人对她的身体和生活的独特理解一起工作。 Read more


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Patience J. Gallagher, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

妇产科是医学的一个不可思议的领域. 它让我和我的病人建立了长期的关系. 它还允许我提供急性护理,可以显着改善… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Prenatal care and obstetrics
  • Cervical cancer screening and colposcopy
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Resident and medical student education
  • And 2 more areas of focus


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Angela F. Koenig, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

不管病人为什么来找我,我的目标都是建立一种信任的关系. 解决一些问题可能需要多次访问, trying different treatment options, or even a complete pi… Read more

Areas of focus


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Kelsey G. Kredentser, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology


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Emma Martenis-Robiner, MSN, WHNP

Obstetrics & Gynecology

作为妇女保健护士从业人员(WHNP), I am trained to give holistic care, which considers the physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological health of a patient. My goal is to… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Adolescent and teenage OB/GYN
  • Contraception
  • Family-centered prenatal care


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Amy E. Paris, MD, MS

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我的目标是提供友善、富有同情心、不评判、循证的护理. 我想让我的病人能够接触和理解科学和医学知识,这样他们就…… Read more

Areas of focus

  • 为有或没有复杂医疗问题的妇女提供避孕和生育计划
  • 妊娠丢失和流产的处理
  • 微创手术包括盆腔腹腔镜和宫腔镜
  • Prenatal care and obstetrics
  • And 1 more areas of focus


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Alesis Reed, MSN, APRN

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我喜欢成为一名女性保健护士从业人员,因为它使我能够专注于一个对我自己的生活非常重要的领域. 我喜欢帮助别人,我喜欢教育我的孩子…… Read more


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Michael E. Ritondo, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我想成为一名初级保健医生,直到我在妇产科轮转. 我意识到我既可以做初级保健医生,也可以做外科医生,还可以参加…… Read more


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Suzanne D. Shipman, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

作为妇产科问题的专家,我为所有年龄段的女性提供正常怀孕和预防性护理. 我致力于帮助女性做出明智的决定…… Read more


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Caroline B. Stroup, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology


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Gretchen S. Stuart, MD, MPH

Obstetrics & Gynecology

作为一名妇科医生,我希望你在就诊过程中感受到被倾听和被关心. 我的目的是确保在你离开之前回答你所有的问题. If there's something I can't address … Read more

Areas of focus

  • Gynecology
  • Minor gynecology procedures
  • Contraception


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Gailyn B. Thomas, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我专注于教育女性,让她们知道如何处理自己的妇科问题. 我提供了一个温暖、支持的环境,我们可以公开谈论他们的问题. My goa… Read more


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Maris K. Toland, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology

she/her/hers 我相信医疗保健的整体方法. 我的治疗方式是基于共同决策. 我帮助我的病人了解他们的选择. Then, I he… Read more

Areas of focus

  • Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery
  • Prenatal care and obstetrics
  • 避孕和生育计划
  • Cervical cancer screening and colposcopy
  • And 2 more areas of focus


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Alexandra H. Woolley, MSN, CNM

Obstetrics & Gynecology

我成为一名护士助产士/妇女保健执业护士,因为我想提供全面的服务, 以患者为中心的妇女和家庭护理. 提供整体护理意味着花时间…… Read more


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